Principal's Message

Education transforms and individual to act as socially responsible person with positive attitude towards the environment which is considered as core field to accomplish the learning process.
The first organised training program for nurses was established in 1860 by Ms. Florence Nightingale – the founder of modern nursing as ‘Nightingale Training School for Nurses’ at St. Thomas Hospital in London. In India, Military Nursing Service was formed in 1927 & it had 12 Matrons, 18 Sisters & 25 Staff Nurses. They were responsible for supervision and training of nursing sections of all Indian Hospitals. Skylark Institute of Nursing is considered one of the premier institute with the objective of an inclusive nursing as well as welfare melieu. We strive to enhance our students to be academically technically efficient & socially responsible.
There is a shortage of nursing professionals all over the world. The scope of this profession is ample. Skylark Private Trust is working to start GNM and Basic B.Sc. (N) programme. Our institute ties to help the young aspirants in achieving these wonderful potentialities.
Prof. Anitha B